Series retrofit hydrogen engine

Retrofit hydrogen engine

H2 series production engine

Innovation in the field of energy and reduced development costs can go hand in hand. It is definitely possible to convert existing engines to make them run on hydrogen.

With a diesel engine base, the injector must be replaced by a spark plug. One should then use port fuel injection to keep costs down. The intake plenum and/or runners will require some work to install the hydrogen injectors.

With a direct injection gasoline engine base, replacing the ignition and injection system is all that is needed to run on hydrogen. A specific engine map will be necessary, as well as work on the aftertreatment systems if needed.

With a port fuel injection gasoline engine, one only needs to replace the injectors and sprak plugs.

Due to the characteristics of the fuel, hydrogen engines tend to require high turbocharging flows. Converting normally aspirated engines will therefore be more complicated if the initial performances must be preserved.

A basic retrofit will most of the time be less efficient than an engine specifically designed for hydrogen. The amount of modification done on the base engine will have a direct impact on performances and efficiency.

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